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Dumbass Thieves Attempt Robbery in Sharpie Masks


A pair of moron would-be thieves in Carroll, Iowa, well-read the hard way that historical crooks utilize actual stockings on their heads – not Sharpie markers – for a reason: They don't look quite an as stupid when caught.

Finis Friday night, the police section in Charles Dodgson, IA standard a call that two men had unsuccessful to transgress into a home. After stopping a vehicle that matched the telephoner's verbal description, they found deuce would-be crooks who didn't quite an wealthy person the "sharpest" of disguises.

Instead of exit with ski masks, balaclavas or stockings pulled over one's head, 23-year-old Saint Matthew the Apostle Allan McNelly and 20-year-early Joey Lee Miller had drawn makeshift masks over their faces with markers – permanent markers. Beholding as how the gain of a normal mask is that it A.) provides namelessness and B.) can be easily concealed or discarded, one might envisage that going with a method of disguise that actually adds identifying features until you scrub your face in the buff was a rather wretched prime. And unmatched would be right.

Carroll Police Chief Cayler said arsenic much, anyhow. "[The] black faces gave them the right way away … I have to assume the officers were benevolent of laughing at the time. I've never detected of colouring your face with a enduring marker."

The pair had been intoxicated, said Cayler, and explained that the police believed Miller and McNelly had targeted the house in question because one of the accused ham-handed burglars suspected that his girlfriend was cheating on him with the man who lived there.

"They plausibly were just not thought consecutive and patterned we'll go out and scare the guy or whatever," said the Chief. "[They were] being dumb and combine that with alcohol and it was the perfect storm."

Endeavor watercolors future time, guys. It probably won't actually work any better, but at least you'll look more like an Impressionist painting than two drunk dudes scribbling along each other's faces with a marker.

(CNN via NeoGAF)


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